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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ferrari P 4/5 Spot Car

Ferrari P 4/5 Spot CarFerrari car
Ferrari P 4/5 The Beast
Totally drool worthy to say the least, the Ferrari P 4/5 by Pininfarina is perhaps one of those few supercars in the world that truly reflect the passion that its creators and owners have for automobiles. Custom made for stock exchange tycoon and known car collector James Glickenhaus by Italian car design firm and coachbuilder Carozzeria Pininfarina, the P4/5 is a privately-commissioned custom one-car rebody of the 60’s famous Enzo Ferrari. The design was based on Jason Castriota’s sketches created in accordance with the client’s specifications with more than 200 new components. The P4/5 however, retained the original Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) with slightly modified engine and drivetrain.

Ferrari car
The Machine

Powered by a mid-rear 6L Ferrari F140 V12 engine, a 6 Speed semi-automatic transmission and twin plate clutch, the P 4/5 comes with a Berlinetta body frame. The supercar features a sharp nose and smooth curves that give it a drag coefficient of only 0.34. The yummy one-off also comes with custom interiors including an iPod nano compatible stereo and a tablet PC with GPS navigation as well as a 3D model of the car and a complete parts list and servicing manual.

The Thrill

The P 4/5 can go from 0-100 kmph in just 3.0 seconds with a top speed of 362 kilometers per hour which is just slightly higher from the performance of the original Enzo. With a rumored 6,000 miles under it, we dare say Glickenhaus has really been getting his weekend kicks with the super beauty. And just in case you weren’t already dying of envy, throw a glance at the video vignette below that Brad Farrell, owner and operator of Kilnjox Media, came up with featuring Glickenhaus and his car.

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